Monday, September 2, 2013


          Bhaktapur is one part of Kathmandu Valley. It is one of the district of valley located in the east part from Kathmandu. This historical place was set up by the Malla king of Kathmandu. The old name of Bhaktapur is Khopa. There is a historical palace of Malla period. Ranjeet Malla was the last Malla king of Bhaktapur. He was defeated by Gorkhali king Prithvi Narayan Shah in 1825 BS and merged into the greater nation. There are so many monuments temples and palaces. Most of them are found still. It is becoming the source of foreign currency because the large number of foreigners visit this place. There is an ancient palace called Pachapanna Jhyale Durbar. It means having 55 windows. This palace looks like the ancient artistic. There is also golden gate which was made with the help of gold in the past time but right now, it just looks like golden colour at present.

Singha Durbar

          Singha Durbar is the main administrative office of Nepal. It is located in the hearth of Kathmandu City. This Durbar belongs to Rana history. It was built by Rana Prime Minister Chandra Shemsher. First of all, it was built for the purpose of Chandra Shemsher house. But it was changed into government office. It means he sold it to government. Singha Durbar is the administrative office of Prime Minister. Besides this, other ministries are also located there. Nepal Television and Radio Nepal have been also located there. This is the largest area occupying by the government office in Nepal. All the Regional Districts and Division administration of Nepal is run and controlled by this office. Before the Maoist and Government crisis, one can visit this compound after 1:00 pm but after occuring the then political crisis, without gate-pass, the normal visitors are not allowed to enter there. Now a days there are increased the numbers government offices.

New Road

       New Road is the costlier part of Kathmandu. It is economically developed in the country. It means, it has many business centre. Most of the foreign goods are available there. People of Kathmandu Valley think that New Road fulfills the desires of customers about foreign goods. But this statement is wrong now a days because such types of business center are being expanded in other parts of Kathmandu Valley. The importance of New Road is Bishal Bazar where different types of consumer goods are available under a roof. This building contains 4 storied. All of them are the place for varieties of consumer goods. In front of this Business Complex, there is head office of Nepal Bank Ltd which is the oldest bank of Nepal. It was established in 1994 BS. Connected to the New Road, there is an old film theater Ranjana. This film hall also carries the history of this place. One can visit there because the transport facilities are totally available there.


          Kathmandu Valley is surrounded by the hills from all sides. In the North, there is Shivpuri Hill, South Hill is called Chandragiri Hill, Fulchoki is located in the East and Nagarjun Hill lies in the west of the valley. Out of them, Fulchoki is the tallest hill of this area. One or two times in a year, there occurs snow in these hills. They are adding the beauty look of Kathmandu Valley. These hills are the main source of water of the people of Kathmandu valley. Different vegetations are preserved there as National Park in Shivapuri Hill. Beside this, other three hills have also government jungle. Many wild animals are found there. Fulchoki Hill is famous for bird watching activities. Every year many foreigners visit this hill for bid watching activities. Shivpuri Hill is famous for short trek of Kathmandu Valley. So, many tourists use this mountain as trekking route. If we do little bit effort we can make these four hills as the rest place for the tourists.

Narayanhiti Palace

       Narayanhiti Palace belongs to previous Shah King of Nepal. The then King Prithvi Bikram Shah stated to live and run the administration of Nepal from there. Likewise, the then Shah last king Gyanendra used to live and run the administration of Nepal. After bringing Lok Tantra (Republican system), King Gyanendra left the palace with his all kingship power. The land of this palace is very big. It may be more than 6 hectors. There are varieties of living and working building of the then king. The compound and surrounding of palace is guarded by Nepali Army. But now a days, such duty has been handed over to Nepal Police. After bringing Loktantra, this palace has been changed into Narayanhiti Museum. Many Nepali and foreigners are visiting this palace everyday as museum. Indeed, there are many buildings, objects, plants etc likely to visit this area. We can get many historical and Shah Dynasty history from there.

Ratna Park

          Ratna Park is the main city center of Kathmandu. It is called Zero Kilometer of the capital city. It was the oldest local bus park of Kathmandu Valley since 1990BS. This area contains the then Bus Park and Garden. The name of this park is called by the then late queen Ratna Rajya Laxmi. Now a days, this park is handled by Kathmandu Metro City. The variety of flowers and plants are grown there. Local people do there morning walk activities in the morning time. Likewise, mid-day and evening are used as the rest place for local visitors. The varieties of blooming flowers spread pleasant the visitors. Few years ago, there was the system of entrance fee which kept the balance environment of the park. It means the park was very neat, clean and attractive. But now a days, this area is called as the bargaining place for the prostitution activities. We must keep this place as the previous condition with the effort of Kathmandu Metro, Local Organisation, Local Public and Nepal Government.