Sunday, September 1, 2013


Gaushala is one of the part of Kathmandu city. It is located North-East from the heart of Kathmandu city. It is mainly recognized as the religious place belonging to Hinduism. There is Pashupatinath Temple which is the holy place from the Hindu people. Gaushala is linked to all part of Kathmandu Valley. North-East of Gaushala, there is the way to go to Shankhu as ancient Newari city. In the East, it is connected to International Ariport. West from Gaushala, road goes to Ratna Part which is called Heart of the Kathmandu City. Gaushala is also developed and advanced part of Kathmandu. It has also facilities of Trade, Business, Industries etc. But Hindu people of the world know it as a holy part. So many Hindu visitors visit this area. Pashupatinath temple is the main temple for the Hindu of the world. Gaushala is also listed in the list of UNESCO as PASHUPATINATH TEMPLE. It contains many others temples and monuments. There is a jungle besides Gaushala which is called "Shlesmantak Ban". It means jungle of "Lapsi". Lapsi is a kind of fruit. Everyday there is the rush of visitors in Gaushala. Espacially, Hindu from India and Nepalese are seen there going from here to there for the worshiping Lord Shiva.


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