Monday, September 2, 2013

Ratna Park

          Ratna Park is the main city center of Kathmandu. It is called Zero Kilometer of the capital city. It was the oldest local bus park of Kathmandu Valley since 1990BS. This area contains the then Bus Park and Garden. The name of this park is called by the then late queen Ratna Rajya Laxmi. Now a days, this park is handled by Kathmandu Metro City. The variety of flowers and plants are grown there. Local people do there morning walk activities in the morning time. Likewise, mid-day and evening are used as the rest place for local visitors. The varieties of blooming flowers spread pleasant the visitors. Few years ago, there was the system of entrance fee which kept the balance environment of the park. It means the park was very neat, clean and attractive. But now a days, this area is called as the bargaining place for the prostitution activities. We must keep this place as the previous condition with the effort of Kathmandu Metro, Local Organisation, Local Public and Nepal Government.

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