Monday, September 2, 2013

Narayanhiti Palace

       Narayanhiti Palace belongs to previous Shah King of Nepal. The then King Prithvi Bikram Shah stated to live and run the administration of Nepal from there. Likewise, the then Shah last king Gyanendra used to live and run the administration of Nepal. After bringing Lok Tantra (Republican system), King Gyanendra left the palace with his all kingship power. The land of this palace is very big. It may be more than 6 hectors. There are varieties of living and working building of the then king. The compound and surrounding of palace is guarded by Nepali Army. But now a days, such duty has been handed over to Nepal Police. After bringing Loktantra, this palace has been changed into Narayanhiti Museum. Many Nepali and foreigners are visiting this palace everyday as museum. Indeed, there are many buildings, objects, plants etc likely to visit this area. We can get many historical and Shah Dynasty history from there.

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